Public-Safety, Critical Infrastructure Coalition Launches to Protect Local Control of Vital, Public-Safety 4.9 GHz Spectrum

Coalition Calls on FCC to Reject Proposal to Nationalize Crucial Spectrum

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Thursday, November 16, 2023) – The Coalition for Emergency Response and Critical Infrastructure (CERCI), a broad-based coalition of public-safety, critical infrastructure industry (CII), and telecommunications entities, launched today to protect local control of vital 4.9 GHz spectrum used by public-safety organizations across the country.

The coalition was established to support a core principle of the January 2023 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order ensuring state and local public-safety agencies remain the primary license holders of the 4.9 band and to encourage the FCC to limit non-public-safety use of the band to compatible operations by CII entities such as utilities, energy, and transportation agencies. Further, the CERCI maintains that incumbent public-safety licensees should approve all spectrum leases that could impact their licenses.

A radical proposal from the Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA) to the FCC proposes to upend the FCC’s rule by clearing the 4.9 GHz band of all current local public-safety users and moving them exclusively to AT&T’s FirstNet network. The PSSA proposal would eliminate local public-safety choice and control, end current uses of the 4.9 band, and suffocate ongoing user-led development of innovative public-safety and critical infrastructure applications. 

The founding members of the CERCI are the Major Cities Chiefs Association, National Sheriffs Association, Competitive Carriers Association, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), T-Mobile, Verizon, and UScellular. Today, the founding members of the CERCI submitted a letter to the FCC outlining the importance of maintaining the 4.9 band as a locally controlled public-safety communications resource that serves the public interest.

The CERCI is Chaired by Kenneth Corey, NYPD Chief of Department, Ret. Its Policy Advisor is Roger Sherman, former Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at the FCC and Democratic Chief Counsel of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  

Chief Corey said the CERCI is focused on ensuring the 4.9 band is protected for local public-safety use. “As a former first responder, I understand the vital role the 4.9 GHz public-safety spectrum band plays in emergency communications. Local public-safety agencies must remain free to make their own decisions about their communications needs and build necessary redundancies to protect the public in the event of emergencies. The 4.9 band should not become a nationwide band licensed to FirstNet as has been proposed. The CERCI is committed to protecting local control of the 4.9 band and, at the same time, working with the FCC to find innovative solutions to promote spectrum efficiency and CII uses that support the public interest.”

To learn more about the CERCI and read the full letter to the FCC, please visit

CONTACT: Jo Maney (


The Coalition for Emergency Response and Critical Infrastructure is committed to maintaining local control of vital 4.9 GHz public-safety spectrum and working with the FCC to promote innovative usage of the band including non-interfering critical infrastructure uses. The founding members of the CERCI are Competitive Carriers Association, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), Major Cities Chiefs Association, National Sheriffs Association, T-Mobile, Verizon, and UScellular.